Why I Love Being a Treetop Guide

Treetop Trekking Guide Zipline

6. My enthusiastic co-workers 

Treetop Trekking naturally lends to enthusiastic, outdoorsy and personable staff members that make coming to work, not feel like it’s work at all! I have made many lifelong friendships at Treetop, new buddies that I can spend time hiking, climbing and just hanging out with outside of work! 

5. Helping people to overcome real fears  

Providing support and encouragement to others while they overcome their fears, boosts one’s own wellbeing. As a guide I get to see individuals at some of the most terrifying moments of their lives, while suspended up in trees. I get to assist them through the experience, ultimately bringing them to the point where they are no longer fearful. In my opinion, this is one of the best feelings in the world, the look on their face and the accomplishment they feel afterwards is contagious.  

4. Learning about nerdy but cool things like technical safety equipment 

Treetop operates on a beautifully intricate but very user friendly system of cables and  lifelines. I love learning all about the ways the system works, and now I get to pass on all the tips and tricks to others, so that climbing is even more enjoyable for them as well. Guiding definitely encourages you to think outside the box!  

3. There’s room to grow and advance 

Within the parks there are 4 levels of guides each with varying responsibilities. You begin as a Ground Guide and can advance through the positions with training and experience through an Aerial Guide, Rescue Guide and Lead Guide. A deeper dive into the roles and responsibilities of each position will come in a later post.  

Additionally, there are administrative roles within the park which allow you to grow laterally within the company, which I enjoy for some variety.  

2. It keeps me active 

If you’re anything like me, I enjoy functional and purposeful workouts. Or better yet, I like not having to include a structured gym workout into my day at all but rather live a healthy active lifestyle through my work. Working with Treetop I get to climb and run around in a very functional and fun way. So, I receive all the benefits of physical activity like improved energy levels all while at work, which gives you more time to enjoy your leisure time how you like.  

1. Getting to spend more time in the outdoors 

The most obvious and number one reason I absolutely love guiding is being outside breathing in nature, and truly being mindful of the beauty of the forest. Each park is located in an area with breathtaking scenery. It never gets old.  

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