Looking for a place to stay near our parks?
Check out our preferred accommodations in the area and save on our adventures. Guests save 15% at their local Treetop Trekking Park!
To get this discount, simply make a reservation at these accommodations and receive the booking code in your booking confirmation or on site.
Please note that reservations to Treetop Trekking activities are required and we recommend that you book ahead of time to ensure that their are available spots for your group!
Holiday Inn Express & Suites Aurora - Treetop Trekking guests save 15% at this hotel. Click on the link or call the hotel directly and ask for the Treetop Trekking rate!
Toronto Marriott Markham - (also has a Trek & Stay package, click here)
Horseshoe Resort - (also has a Trek & Stay package, click here)
Rising Spirit Bed & Breakfast - receive a 10% discount on weekday bookings